About the Adventurers!

One writer and one photographer. The Earth (mostly Colorado so far) to explore.



My name is Skyler. I’m the photographer and occasionally a writer for the Overcast Adventures. I started taking pictures with purpose after I took a photography class in high school. From that point, I took a multitude of other photography and media classes. My work landed me features in both paper and digital publications across the world, as well as a handful of awards for single pictures and portfolios alike. I took a liking to all things outdoors when I was very young. It started with easy hiking and camping, and has now evolved to mountaineering and exploration. Eventually I’d like to be a full-time photographer, emphasizing somehow in the fields of nature and wildlife or photojournalism. I’d be remiss not to thank Tyler, my mother, and my partner for proofreading the blogs I struggle to write.



Like thousands of other people, my name is Tyler. However, unlike those thousands of other people, I write for the Overcast Adventurers! It is a remarkably rare occupation, and one that I’m happy to have. Currently, I do biological research at the University of Michigan. Despite this, it would be a mistake to think of me exclusively as a biologist, as my interests range all across the board. Writing is one of those such interests that has fiercely occupied my consciousness. When I grow up, I want to be a scientist, so that I might spread my writing flair to the field of grant requests.

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